About TIS

We are investing considerable effort in new information systems to support the efficient management and administration of trainees. The TIS Programme currently supports two product families.

  • TIS Admin: is a system developed by NHS England (formerly Health Education England) to manage and administer c. 60,000 trainees and which is available to authorised HEE and Trust staff. This system was deployed in 2018 and is being constantly improved.

    In addition, we support course management and systems which administer study leave approvals for some HEE teams and partner Trusts.
  • TIS Self-Service: is a system we have been developing which will provide equity of experience for our trainees around some of the processes trainees have to undertake e.g. Form R, plus enhancing transparency. We carried out an initial pilot with trainees in May 2022, and have rolled this out nationally across all regions.