How do I update my personal data?

During the course of your training programme, you will most likely move between Trusts and/or employers several times, each time providing updated information about yourself. TIS Self Service displays the most up-to-date information you have provided to your most recent Trust or employer.

If there are any inaccuracies, please use the list below to see where your details are maintained and how to update them.

Personal data itemWhere is it maintained?How do I update?
NameElectronic Staff Record (ESR)Update in ESR Self Service or contact your HR dept. to update ESR
Known asNHSEContact your local NHSE office
Maiden nameNHSEContact your local NHSE office
GenderElectronic Staff Record (ESR) Update in ESR Self Service or contact your HR dept. to update ESR
DOBElectronic Staff Record (ESR) Update in ESR Self Service or contact your HR dept. to update ESR
AddressElectronic Staff Record (ESR) Update in ESR Self Service or contact your HR dept. to update ESR
Mobile no.Electronic Staff Record (ESR) Update in ESR Self Service or contact your HR dept. to update ESR
Email addressNHSEContact your local NHSE office
PlacementsNHSEContact your local NHSE office
ProgrammesNHSEContact your local NHSE office
Registration Details (eg. GMC no.)NHSEContact your local NHSE office

NOTE: When completing Form R on TIS Self Service, the email address field is intentionally blank. When you complete and submit your Form R, the email address you have provided will be used by your Local Office to update their records to ensure they have the correct contact email address for you.